Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 8 Bible in 90 Days

Hi Ladies (and Gentlemen!),

Welcome back to Bama Cooking!  I always like it when you stop by for a visit.  Each monday we have to check in and post our progress in our Bible in 90 Day journey.  I hate to say this, but I am about a half day behind!  I know I will be caught up before we post again. Friday night we were busy with family time, and the rest of the weekend got away from me.  Our garden is coming in here now and that means it is canning time.  That's what I did all weekend.  Carrots (30 pints), mushrooms (10 pints), Tomatoes (2 quarts), and corn (10 pints).  More to come I'm sure.  To those of you who are reading along with me,  Good luck in the coming week.  May the Lord be with you until we meet again.   Honey


  1. 1/2 day behind isn't bad at all. An easy catch up! Keep it up, you're doing great!
